How to link Unbounce to Benchmarkemail

If you’re not familiar with these tools let me explain briefly.
Unbounce is a landing page where your opt-in/email catcher is embed.
Benchmarkemail is an email marketing tool that you can use to store your emails, create autoresponder, send email broadcast etc.

So the purpose of linking your Unbounce to Benchmark is to store the emails you have collected through your opt-in.
You can also set up autoresponder if you’re giving them some free stuffs.

OK first you must have a Benchmark account and an existing email list to make this happen.

Log in to your Benchmark account.

Click the Envelope Image

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You’ll be directed to the Dashboard

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Click Create new list

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Name your contact list

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Click Save & Add contacts

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Click Choose file and select your existing contact list. Format should be .csv, .xls and .txt

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Click Upload

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And then click Save & Next at the bottom right.

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Just Fill up this 2 option and click Save and Next

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Now after that

Hover your mouse on your name and menus will be automatically shown.

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Then click Integration

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And you will see this

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Scroll down until you see Unbounce

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Select a list, this is the one we made earlier and a URL will show at the box below.

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Copy the URL and open your landing page in Unbounce.

Look for the “Webhook: POST to URL”

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And click it

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Paste the URL on the box and click Save and Continue.

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Click Done

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That’s it! You have integrated your Unbounce to your Benchmark.

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